
On 10/24/2014 05:56 PM, Kathleen Danielson wrote:
> If I'm understanding this correctly, in the next week or so, before
> proxy voting begins, we could ask the board to make a decision to
> include a "nonbinding resolution" or, essentially a "good faith"
> resolution on the ballot.

Frankly I'm not sure about required timings here but under the "Any
other business" point, any non-binding stuff could be decided on the
spot by the members. It would however not have the benefit of remote
participation through proxy votes then.

I'd be fine with adding something to the ballot but that would need to
go through the board, whereas doing something on the spot just requires
a couple members grabbing the microphone and improvising.

> If that passes the board, it could be on the
> ballot, and give direction to the newly elected board to take [some
> action]. If it were voted in, the board wouldn't legally have to do
> [some action], but hopefully would follow the wishes of the electorate.

If it wouldn't do [some action], the electorate could fore the newly
elected board to hold a new GM that actually has a binding resolution on
the agenda (http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2006/46/section/303 and
304). If the board does not comply, the members can call a meeting
themselves (http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2006/46/section/305).

Of course if the newly elected board were manipulative enough, they
could only do half of [some action], thereby mollifying the members and
robbing them of the energy to actually go through the "forcing a
meeting" process.

I don't claim to be well versed in UK companies law but perusing your
favourite search engine with "companies act 2006" plus whatever you're
interested in will normally yield good results.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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