I was impressed by the story from Nicaragua, by the map of the city of
Managua [1]. Many streets of this city do not have names, bus stops and
routes are often unofficial. In the past people could not leave home in
the evening because it was too difficult to find the way back. It is
very large city.

Everything changed with appearance of GPS enabled smart-phones. At the
same time commercial maps are not interested in mapping such cities.

Indeed, any address is just two numbers, or a link, or a QR-code. Why
support inefficient expensive legacy addressing system at all? And in
some cities the legacy addressing system does not exist anyway, at least
in a comprehensive form, and will never exist.

So if smart-phones and mobile internet access become ubiquitous and
affordable, it will be such cities, which are not burdened by legacy
systems, where innovation may happen.

[1] http://osm.org/go/YQmN561Q-

Best regards,

On 26.10.2014 01:51, Richard Weait wrote:
> The wide difference between what the German community and Canadian
> community had to present in Limerick was stark.  :-)  It was
> inspirational to see countries that were further along the
> OpenStreetMap curve and mapping street furniture and infrastructure
> like lamp posts, while others were a long way from completing a basic
> road network, or even major bodies of water.

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