I would say this style-change is still "a bit" too green in the
meaning of being ready.

In densely built up areas this change does not improve the visibility
of roads. The result is quite the opposite with residential and living
Choosing areas that have 99,9% of buildings tagged as building=yes as
sample areas does not show what we loose in the areas where buildings
are slowly getting tagged the way they should be. I would keep the
distinction between important buildings and non-important buildings.

I would not have anything against rendering all insignificant
buildings and buildings  tagged as building=yes a little bit lighter
than on the current style. But definetly not as light as on the
buildings demo style.

By making all religious buildings highly visible on the current
buildings demo style it makes a great style to use when you want to
visit all the religious places nearby but nothing else. I do not know
about the rest of the world but at least in a typical eastern european
city only a few of the religious buildings can be concidered
landmarks. In my home city it is 1 of 5.


On Thu, Nov 27, 2014 at 3:16 AM, Matthijs Melissen
<i...@matthijsmelissen.nl> wrote:
> Dear all,
> We are considering to change the colour of buildings in
> openstreetmap-carto, the default rendering on openstreetmap.org.
> Because this change has a significant effect on the looks of the map,
> we would like to consult the community before going ahead with this
> change.
> A rendering demo can be found here (left the current rendering, right
> the proposal):
> http://bl.ocks.org/pnorman/raw/c61d6b11193081910866/#15.00/50.0611/19.9393
> http://bl.ocks.org/pnorman/raw/c61d6b11193081910866/#14.00/40.7048/-74.0040
> Please note that only selected regions have been loaded into the demo server.
> As can be seen, the new building colour is much lighter. This should
> make the map more pleasant to the eye, as well as make it easier to
> see the road network in areas with many buildings.
> More info can be found in the Github issue:
> https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto/pull/565. I would
> like to thank Paul Norman and Mateusz Konieczny, who have done the
> majority of the work.
> Please let us know what you think of the new rendering, either on
> Github or as a reply to this message.
> Kind regards,
> Matthijs
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