Bryce Nesbitt <> writes:

> On Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 2:40 PM, Greg Troxel <> wrote:
>> Also, if a tag isn't rendered in the default mapnik view, then those
>> elements are unlikely to be cleaned up (absent a special render for a
>> community of interest, which the cyclemap layer might be).
> It's a chicken and egg situation.  With only 50 some nodes, it is hard to
> argue for rendering.

I suppose, but if those are useful, it shouldn't hurt anyone else.

> The stations exist: the local mapper request is to position the node
> exactly, as the features are too small (in general) to pick up on an
> air photo.

When thinking about accuracy, I often ask myself "is this feature good
enough that someone trying to use the map for some reasonable purpose
will succeed" (less clearly :-).  If a trail in the woods is off 10m,
but the geometry is mostly ok, then that's better than no trail.
Similarly, if someone goes to where a bike station is mapped, will they
be able to find it with a few seconds of looking?  If so, that's
probably ok.

Given all that, there's the question of notes.  I add notes for things
to be fixed, even if I expect to be the fixer.  But I try to be aware of
the clutter/useful tradeoff.

It might be that the new nodes should get a FIXME tag or something,
which is less than a note.   My real point is that adding a large number
and putting them all in the notes view seems like a bit too much.
I am sympathetic to having a set of things that might need local review,
and perhaps some sort of "low-importance extra-detail note" might be in
order, but that leads down a messy slope.

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