On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 10:11 PM, Bryce Nesbitt <bry...@obviously.com> wrote:
> Perhaps the most frustrating type of note is one where the writer clearly
> meant to help, but there's just not
> enough information available to act on it.

I can also relate to this. Any help on getting this is appreciated:

Maybe I could do research into an app which would allow for no-frills
GPS trace collection and upload to some service (actually this can be
done in HTML5 - you can ask specifically for GPS in geolocation API).
This way when someone complains about missing roundabout that happens
to be yet invisible in aerial photos, we could ask the person to get a

Another thing that would be nice: categorization of open notes (like:
needs more info, needs aerial photos/GPS traces, check later (ongoing
construction), etc)


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