On 2 May 2015 at 22:10, Rob Nickerson <rob.j.nicker...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Andy Mabbett wrote:
> >I suppose it depends whether we want to map what (sometimes incorrect)
> >store signs say, or what the stores actually are.
> >
> >I favour the latter, but if you want the former, I have a list defunct
> >shops whose signs are still visible, which you can add
> >
> >Another issue to consider is that either method will incude some
> >errors. Which will include fewest, and which will inconvenience our
> >users less? How long will it take for all our entries for Domino's to
> >be manually updated, even after the signs are changed?
> >
> I also favour the latter too. I feel this is an area where the "on the
> ground rule" is too strong.
> For an idea of how long it takes to *manually update* shop names take a
> look at Lloyds TSB in the UK. In September 2013 the bank split into two
> separate banks and they were quickly rebranded as Lloyds and TSB. As it was
> impossible to say which branch became a Lloyds and which branch became a
> Lloyds so a mechanical edit wasn't possible.
> Almost 2 years later we still have 400 "Lloyds TSB" in OpenStreetMap [1]
> and this is despite the fact that a tool was developed for the UK mappers
> to help them find the remaining incorrect instances of Lloyds TSB. Without
> this tool I expect there would be many hundreds more.
> I don't want to say the UK mapping community is dead, but it is not big
> enough to manage the volume of data we already have in OSM. Any tools that
> can help this situation (tools to compare to external data sources, QA
> tools, Maproulette type tools, apps for Android, Windows phone and iOS, and
> yes, mechnaincal edits) would be welcome in my eyes.
> We need to grow our community and our toolset.
> Best,
> Rob

+1 in all respects.
If we map incorrect stuff on the ground it's only going to support
incorrect names. Where mechanical edits (or better) is possible, it's a
case of letting the world catch up to OSM rather than the other way around.
At least we can change name to old_name as an edit and then create a new
new name based on the name change - so the db reflects old and new - and
hopefully a search for LloydsTSB branch at ** should still find it even as
an old name.

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