On Sunday 10 May 2015, Jochen Topf wrote:
> Hi!
> For about 10 days the coastline has been broken and no updates have
> been going through. This is largely due to some broken mapping in
> North America where coastlines overlap and some features have been
> tagged both as coastline and waterways, which doesn't make any sense
> at all.

Note overlaps between waterway=riverbank areas and the coastline are 
generally not an issue and are also not really that uncommon (classic 
and long term case for that it the Elbe in northern Germany) - they of 
course complicate things a bit and can be misleading for mappers.

> Please, everybody: If you are doing something with the coastlines,
> take extra care. Coastlines are fragile, have special taggging rules
> unlike anything else in OSM and if you break them in only one place,
> chances are coastlines updates for the whole world will stop!

Indeed.  And if you have a complex coastline situation like when you 
need to add or remove the coastline tag to/from a larger water area and 
have not done something like this before just leave the coastline 
mapping as it is and add a fixme tag indicating what should be changed 
and place a note asking for help doing that.

Christoph Hormann

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