On 03/07/2015 19:00, Michał Brzozowski wrote:
I ask that we create some guidelines for that type of editing, as
we're no sandbox [3];

[3] We should definitely make one, like one that Wikipedia has.

Although it wasn't really designed for that, we have got http://api06.dev.openstreetmap.org/ , which is the same as the main site except for the rendering part*, but for testing small edits and asking other mappers whether what you've added is OK should work OK as a sandbox.

also editing and later deletion seems not right
to me (self-vandalism?).
These guidelines should also, or in particular, target teachers -

I certainly wouldn't want to put teachers off suggesting that their students add _real_ stuff locally to OSM, even though the results (as with any first-time editors) can be a bit variable. Maybe to start with just suggest that teachers pop into an OSM IRC channel for a few minutes to talk through what they're trying to do? That way we'd get a heads-up of what's happening and could offer to assist. The general helpfulness of OSM users towards other OSM users is not to be underestimated (see for example http://resultmaps.neis-one.org/osm-discussions ).



* Obviously "except for the rendering part" is quite important if you want to show what the results look like, but edits in a relatively small area should be renderable in a small switch2osm.org-style server, just fetching the data directly from the dev API, as there's no planet or extracts available for it.

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