Hi Jo,

Inasafe for an example? http://inasafe.org/en/ Disaster modelling
based on OSM data, particularly buildings.

I wrote up a blog post about data collection in Padang, Indonesia:
I just realised that was almost 3 years ago. Tempus fugit and all
that, but hopefully still relevant.

Cheers, Joseph

On 29 August 2015 at 16:39, Jo Walsh <metaz...@fastmail.net> wrote:
> dear all,
> Next week I'm giving a talk about OSM and the work of the DWG to a group
> of mostly academics who are interested in Smart Cities and being fairly
> critical about Urban Big Data.
> I wanted to show a few examples of innovative uses of the data, or
> things that can only have come about because so much of the base map is
> there.
> OSMBuildings.org and the related 3D work would be one example. Another
> is some of Alasdair Rae's work visualising urban footprints:
> http://www.undertheraedar.com/2015/07/urban-footprints-some-building-outline.html
> And for something different, the OSM based clothing from
> http://monochome.com/
> But I am interested in other examples of novel uses of OSM data, any
> suggestions from the list would be welcome.
> Jo
> --
>   Jo Walsh
>   metaz...@fastmail.net
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