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> Am 10.09.2015 um 05:52 schrieb Mateusz Konieczny <>:
> I am not convinced that leftover rubbish makes it railroad. There is
> plenty of old metal and coal in many other places.

it is indeed an abandoned railroad not a railroad
there will be other reasons for these places to be metal and coal there, if it 
wasn't a railroad. It's up to the mapper to find out and to decide if it's 
worth to map and how. Of course not every place with coal around will be a 

> My cousin has in basement more coal and rail-related metal and it does
> not mean that it can be mapped as an abandoned railroad.


> Mapping state of Forum Romanum 2000 years ago would make more sense

more or less we're doing this. And adding what has been added in the meantime. 
E.g. people have added the names of the ruins of temples as the name of the 
temple (which is in some cases there as ruins in others hardly visible if not 
by reading the signs and looking at reconstructions).

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