Hi all,

Below is the English translation of an email sent first to the
hot-francophone mailing list. It focuses on the first crowdfunding 100%
directed to OpenStreetMap in Western Africa. The project is run by the
local OSM association (OSM Bénin) with the support of the collective Projet
Espace OSM Francophone (ProjetEOF) to purchase 275km² high resolution
imagery over Cotonou, Benin economic capital.

Enjoy the read and shall you be interested, join us! The crowfunding closes
May1, 2016: in 7 days, we still have to raise 550 Euros (25%). This is an
easy mean to make a big difference and have a huge OpenStreetMap and
opendata impact in Cotonou and Benin by helping significatively the mapping
of Cotonou by the Cotonou mappers who can then be supported remotely by the
global OSM community and the Western African groups in the first place.


Nicolas on the behalf of the Association OSM Bénin et the collective

= Crowdfunding for OpenStreetMap in Bénin : 275km² high resolution
satellite imagery for Cotonou by 1-May 2016! =

Hi all,

This crowdfunding *"Imagerie Satellite pour OSM Benin*" ([1],[2]) is lead
by the Association OpenStreetMap Bénin (OSMBénin) [3] with the support of
the collective Projet Espace OpenStreetMap Francophone (ProjetEOF) [4]. It
aims at purchasing around 275 km² high resolution imagery over Cotonou in a
license which allows for creating into OpenStreetMap geographical
information  about building, road network, hydrography and landuse.

The mappers from Benin are active creating geographical data in
OpenStreetMap and thus improving the Free Map of this World via mapathons
[5] field data collections [6], as well as conducting information and
outreach work tied to heavy training in GIS (QGIS) and mapping with OSM
[7]. Unfortunately they are missing on Cotonou high resolution imagery via
the Bing and MapBox layers. This forces the Benin OSM community to map
Cotonou - *Benin economic capital* - through field surveys only (GPS,
Mobile phones and FieldPapers), *a long time and money intensive work*.
This takes us back to the early ages of OpenStreetMap prior its members had
access to high resolution imagery through agreements with Yahoo, Microsoft
Bing or benefited from opendata programs.

Shall this crowdfunding works well, this would be a major breakthrough for
the growth of OpenStreetMap in Cotonou and in Benin, as a matter of fact,
with this imagery purchased, hosted and accesible:
 - Not only the mappers from Bénin would be more efficient mapping Cotonou
and in a position to dedicate more time to non mapping activities such
information, outreach, building partnerships while continuing and expanding
the activities they had been carrying out in the rest of the country since
2013 as one can read from the "Infolettre OSM Bénin" [8].
 - But for mapping Cotonou, they could benefit from the support of the
global OpenStreetMap community and specifically the Western African local
groups with whom strong relations have been established and numerous joint
mapping activities have been organized since 2013.

The crowfunding closes in 7 days, we still have to raise 550 Euros (25%),
an easy mean to make a big difference and have a huge OpenStreetMap and
opendata impact by helping significatively the mapping of Cotonou by the
Cotonou mappers with the support of the global OSM community and the
Western African groups in the first place.

To check the status of this crowdfunding project, stay tuned to the Ulule
platform, the OSM lists, the Wiki site of the OSM project in Bénin, blogs
and social media used by ProjetEOF (@ProjetEOF), OSMBénin (@OSMBénin) and
other Western African OSM collectives.

Nicolas on the behalf of the Association OSM Bénin and the collective Projet

[1] : http://fr.ulule.com/imagerie-cotonou/
[2] : https://projeteof.org/blog/crowdfunding-openstreetmap-au-benin
[3] : http://openstreetmap.bj/
[4] : https://projeteof.org/blog/projet-eof/
[5] : https://twitter.com/absaliou/status/566060712049770496
[6] : https://twitter.com/agbadonou/status/719455286285570048
[7] : https://twitter.com/agbadonou/status/677513770214801410
[8] : https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/File:SOTMTG-COM-OSMBJ-contenu.pdf

Nicolas Chavent
Projet OpenStreetMap (OSM)
Projet Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)
Projet Espace OSM Francophone (EOF)
Mobile (FRA): +33 (0)6 52 40 78 20
Mobile (CIV): +225 78 12 76 99
Email: nicolas.chav...@gmail.com
Skype: c_nicolas
Twitter: nicolas_chavent
talk mailing list

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