Hi Christoph, Frederik and all,

Thanks Christoph and Frederik for your two emails, two points related to
Benin :

Christoph, thanks for setting up that hosting and serving of 100% opendata
resources that we will be using in compliment of the freshly purchased
imagery over Cotonou for data creation in OSM. We will also be using it
locally in RS and this is a real add on for sure. Since 2012 with the
overall support of Frederic Moine (aka Fred cc'ed), drones have been used
in Haiti in crisis response (Sandy Haiti 2012) and in
development/preparedness contexte over Haiti by a collective of Haitian
dronistes also membres of OSM groups in Haiti (cc'ed Jean Presler aka Pres)
with some support of the International Organization Of Migration (IOM),
Drones Adventures, CartONG (Fred having designed and run a community drone
campaign support program for that French NGO) (1). Fred and the Haitian
dronists crew work has been pioneer in drone uses in real crisis response
work and at community level and held as a reference by domain experts
(UNOSAT etc, Fred can provide materials). This is what we are looking at
doing to fully address OSM imagery needs through 100% hyper high res
imagery in Western Africa via a South-South cooperation mechanisms allowing
Haitian and African to collect imagery via drones and map it jointly both
in Haiti and Africa. The connection already exists and in our last Togo
capacity building mission, we had a mapathon where by Western Africans
mapped Areas at risk in Port Au Prince (Haiti) tracing over an imagery
collected by the local Haitian droners and mappers (2,3). This
unfortunately requires funding we did not manage to secure yet and are
working on it. Purchasing imagery for OSM is one option at hand to boost
mapping in Cotonou via remote AND intensive field work done by Benin
mappers and partners in Academic, NGOs, Local Gov, Tech etc.

@Frederik, your point is well heard in Bénin where remote mapping will not
kill, nor demotivate, nor diminish field work, it will go hand in hand and
contribute to more efficiently use scarse voluntary or hyper small budget
resources and get more impact, enrich the map, grow the community and
enlarge the circle of partners + gain remote support from other Western
African groups and the overall global community.

Thanks for your two emails, apologies if any of the above clarification is
too long, I just felt details specific to the Benin were necessary at this

Excellent day to all

(1): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oou32o-jR0M

On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 3:02 PM, Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> On 04/28/16 08:55, Greg Morgan wrote:
> > The problem I have with both Christoph and Frederick statements from
> > Germany are that the comments have a feeling of not invented here and
> > more imperialism.
> The main problem I have with armchair mapping is not "people map an area
> without going out", it's "people map an area without EVER HAVING BEEN
> I'm less concerned about you mapping your extended home region from
> aerial imagery (assuming for a moment that you live in Montana). If you
> find something on an image that makes you wonder, you can always make a
> small detour on your next trip to the supermarket and check it out in
> person, plus you'll know what kind of builidngs are common in the area
> and so on.
> What I think is bad for data quality is people from thousands of miles
> away "helping" by tracing from aerial imagery without local knowledge.
> This might work for the most basic of features but it has been shown
> that even something as seemingly straigforward as the tracing of
> buildings can go quite wrong if you don't know anything about the
> culture and the area, and *this* has been branded (accidental)
> imperialism by some - "what looks like a German barn on the aerial image
> certainly must be a barn in Ghana too".
> > Germany is about the size
> > of Montana USA.  Germany has a population of about 89 million people.
> > Montana has a population of around one million people.
> The city of Coutonou alone - to come back to the subject - has 800k
> inhabitants, so a lower bound for the population density in the area
> being discussed here is 3000 people per square kilometre; about 1000
> times as much as Montana and about 10 times as much as Germany. I do
> realize that People in Coutonou might have other priorities in live than
> the spoilt kids in Germany but I don't think it serves your argument to
> invoke population density.
> > Arm chair
> > mapping is perfectly good solution in this and many other cases.
> I dont't think that arm chair mapping is "perfectly good" in many cases,
> I think the risk of said accidental imperialism is too high. Would you
> want Montana mapped by people who've never even been to the US and
> perhaps don't even speak English?
> Bye
> Frederik
> --
> Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"
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