2016-08-08 17:52 GMT-03:00 Erik Moeller <eloque...@gmail.com>:
> On Mon, Aug 8, 2016 at 2:56 AM, joost schouppe <joost.schou...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> Keeping OSM and an external database linked is no mean feat. Say you load a
>> McDonalds POI to your database and someone reviews it. But then a mapper
>> comes along and changes the node to a line. Upon the next update of your POI
>> database, your review will not find the object it linked to before, because
>> it no longer exists.
> That makes sense. I'm assuming when you say "line", that means "way"
> in formal OSM terminology? From a data consumer's point of view, when
> I look up the original node ID, do I just get a "not found", or is
> there an easy way to tell that there's a new way or relation now
> representing the same object?

You will just get a Not Found. You can get the node history but that
won't really help much.

Sometimes people make the old node be one of the tag-less nodes of the
new building way, but that's not required, maybe not even very common.
And maybe in your case it would make things harder rather than easier.


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