On 01/09/16 00:15, Matthijs Melissen wrote:
Hi all,

Recently, a new tool was created by Martin Raifer (@tyrasd) to
generate graphs of the usage of tags over time. This is a great tool
that gives us more insight in what drives the choice of tags by
mappers. The tool can be found at http://taghistory.raifer.tech/.

I wrote an OSM diary to discuss some results:

-- Matthijs

talk mailing list

I entered






in this tool and it showed graphic lines in different color. Amazing.

However I have got yet some doubts as one usually does about a new tool. Could it be that there are only 104000 ATMs mapped in the whole world? I mean, - is it really the data from the OSM database? Is it retrieved via the Overpass API or from a tool's own database? If the latter how often it is synchronized with the live OSM database?

One more thing: in JOSM when one selects a key there is a readily available drop down list of values for this key. And even when one starts typing the key there are suggestions based on first letters entered. It would be great if Martin Raifer could add a similar functionality to the page. It is possible to do with jQuerry Autocomplete feature [1]. Otherwise I have to switch to JOSM back and forth to look up the exact key&value pairs spelling. Could you please forward to Martin this suggestion?

[1] https://jqueryui.com/autocomplete/

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