On 20/12/16 11:37, joost schouppe wrote:
The bicycle wiki page has examples for many different kinds of
situations: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Bicycle

Basically, you can have restrictions based on mode of transport (eg
oneway:bycicle) or if really needed have access tags with a direction

Thank you for the pointer. If I read things correctly, it looks like the following tags should achieve what is needed:


2016-12-20 11:34 GMT+01:00 Sebastian Arcus <s.ar...@open-t.co.uk

    I think I have asked this before a long time ago here - but I can't
    find the original message, or remember the answer I'm afraid. I am
    trying to add tags to a road which has permission for all vehicles
    forward, but only buses and bicycles backward. I can't get my head
    around how to do this. Should I make it one-way, and somehow add
    exceptions for buses and bicycles in the opposite direction? I guess
    I can't use buslane=*, as it's not just a bus lane - or should I?
    Also, if I add buslane=*, will that translate automatically into
    prohibition for the rest of the vehicles in one of the directions?

    Any suggestions much appreciated.

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