On 03/03/2017 10:21, Benoit Fournier wrote:
Hello OSM community,

Please find a call from Suchith Anand (OSGeo/FOSS4G/Geo4All,
University of Nottingham UK).

Please do get in touch if you want to get involved.

There's an active OSM group in Nottingham (including me); he's welcome come along to the next meeting and discuss things (current scheduled for 21st March, though check https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Nottingham/Pub_Meetup for updates).

The attached message snippet appears not to have any contact information; if he wants to contact me my email's in this message and the usual OSM mechanisms will also work - OSM messages or IRC (#osm-gb on oftc), and of course he can sign up to and post to this list.

Best Regards,

Andy ("SomeoneElse" in OSM)

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