Hey Roland

The reason I asked about whether there is a tool that finds (possibly
wrong) duplicate mapped cycleways because a very similar algorithm could
be used to determine whether any one street is actually *missing*
cycleway tagging or whether the cycleway is in fact already tagged but
as a separate way.
In other words, I need all those roads that neither have a cycleway=*
tag (easy) nor have a cycleway-way next to them (the hard part). I
wonder, is this possible to achieve with an Overpass query?

I was told here
by an Osmose-backend contributor that they implemented this already, but
of course, Osmose does direct postgis queries, so more is possible with

I am developing an app with which one should be able to map cycleways
basically by simply answering the question "Is there a cycleway here?"
and of course, the app needs to find out, where it may ask and where it


On 28.4.2017 6:36 AM, Roland Olbricht wrote:
>>     http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/oEm
> Thank you for the link.
>> Unfortunately it does not (yet)catch also the segregated and
>> not-segregated foot-cycle-paths that are tagged using the JOSM presets
>> (highway=path, foot=designated, bicycle=designated, segregated=yes|no)
> http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/oG6
> I have essentially just added the conditions you mention in one line. I
> have slightly changed the viewport to have relevant results for the
> change within the viewport.
>> I am not an Overpass-Turbo expert and don't dare to add them to your
>> script
> The linked queries are immutable. If you open the link then you always
> work on an independend copy.
> Cheers,
> Roland
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