2017-05-05 12:24 GMT+02:00 Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org>:

> I think that even if they are careful enough not to use their real name,
> the identity of a mapper will often be easy to reconstruct if you have
> access to just a little bit of extra information (might be as little as
> a name on a doorbell).

if I look at my "local area" in hdyc, there are probably a million people
living within, but even if it were just a few thousand it would effectively
not be possible to look at all those doorbells (where you won't have your
name anyway if you are really concerned about privacy) and get a clue to
which username this might be related. If you are living in a _very_ remote
area (which most mappers are not), in very rare exceptional cases it might
be possible to see who is which mapper, and that he mapped this remote
area. Congratulations.

What is the scenario? The chinese government? Your ex-wife? The NSA?
Nazi-terrorists? Your friends? According to who it is, the countermeasures
will have to be very different.

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