On Mon, Aug 14, 2017 at 11:10:39AM -0400, Yuri Astrakhan wrote:
> mmd, the centroids are calculated with this code, let me know if there is a
> better way, I wasn't aware of any issues with the minute data updates.
>       wkb = wkbfab.create_linestring(obj)
>       point = loads(wkb, hex=True).representative_point()
> https://github.com/nyurik/osm2rdf/blob/master/osm2rdf.py#L250

It doesn't look like you have any location cache included when
processing updates, so that's unlikely to work.

Minutely updates don't have the full node location information.
If a way gets updated, you only get the new list of node ids.
If the nodes have not changed themselves, they are not available
with the update.

If you need location information, you need to keep a persistent
node cache in a file (idx=dense_file_cache,file.nodecache)
and use that in your updates as well. It needs to be updated
with the fresh node locations from the minutely change files
and it is used to fill the coordinates for the ways.

Once you have the node cache, you can get the geometries for
updates ways. This is still only half the truth. If a node in
a way is moved around, then this will naturally change the
geometry of the way, but the minutely change file will have
no indication that the way changed. Normally, these changes are
relatively small and for some applications it is good enough
to ignore them (Nominatim, the search engine, does so, for example).
If you need to catch that case, then you also need to keep a
persistent reverse index of which node is part of which way
and for each changed node, update the ways it belongs to.
There is currently no support for this in libosmium/pyosmium.
So you would need to implement this yourself somehow.

Kind regards


> Your query is correct, and you are right that (in theory) there shouldn't
> be any ways without the center point. But there has been a number of ways
> with only 1 point, causing a parsing error "need at least two points for
> linestring". I will need to add some special handling for that
> (suggestions?).
> You can see the error by adding this line:
>    OPTIONAL { ?osmId osmm:loc:error ?err . }
> The whole query --  http://tinyurl.com/ydf4qd62  (you can create short urls
> with a button on the left side)
> On Mon, Aug 14, 2017 at 5:18 AM, mmd <mmd....@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Am 13.08.2017 um 19:49 schrieb Yuri Astrakhan:
> >
> > > * all ways now store "osmm:loc" with centroid coordinates, making it
> > > possible to crudely filter ways by location
> >
> > out of curiosity, can you say a few words on how your overall approach
> > to calculate centroids for ways? As we all know it's an endless pain to
> > get that information out of minutely diffs :)
> >
> > I have to say that I'm pretty much unfamiliar with SPARQL and just tried
> > the following query. My expectation was that I won't get any results,
> > making me wonder if my query has some issue?
> >
> >   ?osmId osmm:type 'w' .
> >   FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?osmId osmm:loc ?osmLoc }.
> > } LIMIT 100
> >
> >
> > BTW: A quick search on Github yielded the following:
> > https://github.com/nyurik/osm2rdf. Would that be the right place to look
> > for more details?
> >
> > Best,
> > mmd
> >
> >
> > --
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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