> Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2017 20:55:40 +0200
> From: PanierAvide <panierav...@riseup.net>
> To: talk@openstreetmap.org
> Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] WhatOSM, a guide for contribution tools
> Message-ID: <fbdb51e4-23af-7d60-a41f-cecd04353...@riseup.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; Format="flowed"
> I was reading the famous policy. If I understand well, I cannot name
> without authorization the project WhatOSM (meaning that I can still ask
> for authorization ?). But if I name it "What ? OSM !" it is OK, because
> it doesn't mix OSM with the name, and it uses OSM word mark correctly ?

The policy is still in draft form, but it does say that it does not
interfere with nominative fair use:
3. When you may use the OSM marks without asking usIn many cases, you may
use the OSM marks without asking for permission from the OSMF. This section
lists those cases.

3.3. Refer to OSM projects (nominative/referential use)

You may use the non-stylized wordmarks (such as “OpenStreetMap”) to
factually name or refer to:

   - An OSM project or another aspect of the movement in a text (for
   example, “I love seeing my town on OpenStreetMap”).
   - A project derived from an OSM project in a way that is factual and not
   misleading (for example, “This company’s maps are based on OpenStreetMap”,
   as long as it is accurate that the maps are in fact based on OSM data).

This use of our marks is called “nominative” or “referential” use, and is
already allowed by law in some legal systems.

Specific examples of nominative/referential use include:
3.3.6. Use in software projects
Use of the OSM marks to name software components, packages, minor tools,
repositories and similar that process or work specifically with
OpenStreetMap data is permissible as long as the use follows the rest of
this policy. The permission does not include use of the OSM marks in a
confusing manner, such as to market software products in a way that implies
they are official OSMF products. To dispel possible confusion, please use
appropriate disclaimers.

With nominative fair use, you don't need to ask permission, which is easier
for everyone. An example of nominative fair use would be calling the tool
"What?, a guide tool for OSM" (fairly describing the software's
relationship to OSM)

And example of a disclaimer would be a simple statement in the website or
readme along the lines of "This tool is not an official OSMF product, and
it is neither endorsed nor sponsored by OSMF."

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