> http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/330511654#map=16/20.5184/-13.0507
> But you really need to zoom in using JOSM to see the problem.
> The best way to describe it is the road network is a grid but each block of
> buildings has been mapped as a single building rather than the six to a
> dozen separate buildings that are there and I'm not sure what to do.  It's
> not just in Atar and there are a large number of them.  I've seen something
> similar by HOT mappers before but not on this scale.
> One mapper has a thousand untagged ways in Mauritania most of which are of
> this type.

I would go slow on this.
I looked out of curiosity a bit closer, and it looks as if the mappers
involved use a gruadual approach:
they first outline groups of buildings and tag it as a single building or
religious or hospital. At a later stage they (plan to) add details to each
of these groups by adding individual building outlines and footpaths
connecting them to the roads.
One could have done this with a different approach using
landuse=residential|religious|... , but I would not interfere with the
local community's approach without dialogue.
It looks as there is at least one experienced mapper involved in many of
these changesets: Cheibany, <https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/Cheibany>
He has a background in urban planning according to his OSM user page. I
would be surprised if you could not communicate with him.

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