On Sun, Jan 7, 2018 at 9:13 AM, Andrew Buck <andrew.r.b...@gmail.com> wrote:

> It is a great little tool.  Simple, but surprisingly effective. It
> actually works amazingly well when coupled with a voice chat program.  In
> HOT we use mumble for voice and the geochat plugin combined with that
> allows mappers to "point" to objects in imagery by centering on them and
> then letting other user look at the same area to discuss what is being seen
> in the imagery.  Things like how a road should be classified, how to tag a
> specific thing, etc.  Of course you can use the text chat right in the
> plugin as well, but I always prefer voice chat for discussion as it is just
> so much faster.

I don't tend to use voice chats when I'm editing mostly because I've
usually got my roommate or the TV going at the same time, so I'd miss
things that were said on voice but not in text.

> In any case, it is not a plugin I use super often, but when I do need it,
> it is just the right tool for the job.  My only suggestion would be that
> you consider making "show users on map" default to "on" instead of "off"
> like it is now.  I always forget to turn it on unless I specifically want
> to collaborate with someone, but I think if it defaulted to on then it
> would get a lot more use.  It would be really fun to be mapping and see
> other people showing up in the area to see what you are working on.  I
> think it would really add to the sense of community in OSM.

Yeah, I didn't know it now defaults to "Off".  Making this a configurable
option would be nice.
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