On Monday 26 March 2018, cm-sani...@wp.pl wrote:
> [...] In my opinion the fact I am not
> liked by the maintainers, shouldn't result in deleting my on
> topic comments. Is there some oversight over moderation? Can I
> somehow repeal the decision? Or at least get some explanation why my
> comment was removed?

I can't comment on the comment deletion without knowing the content of 
the comment in question.

But on a more general note - project maintainers on github are 
autonomous in how they manage discussions and development.  
OpenStreetMap is not a centralized project and there is no overall 
authority that controls software development.

So if you are dissatisfied on a fundamental level with how Nominatim (or 
any other similar project) is run (you write "maintained in a way which 
makes it quite impossible to contribute to") the way to go is to create 
a fork or to develop an alternative from scratch according to your 
ideas.  If this turns out to be better or offer advantages over 
Nominatim you can try to get it integrated into the OSM website in 
addition or instead of Nominatim.  This approach (having alternatives 
and fostering diversity in tools and development goals) is generally 
superior for innovation and progress in general compared to trying to 
be universally inclusive w.r.t. feature and design ideas or 
communication and cooperation styles within projects.

Christoph Hormann

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