Hi Joe

These features are promizing. My observations will be focused on the 
interrelations between OSM and Wikipeda and my perception that OSM contributors 
need more documentation to support Wikipedians.

I was contacted recently by a  Wikipedian who talked to me about the maplink 
feature and was looking how to represent a river (watershed or other 
possibilities). From our exchanges, we saw different possibilities but I could 
not find what to do on the OSM side to use these features. It says that we can 
both represent polygons or lines. Adding wikidata and waiting up to four days, 
I had no success.  Good examples that are working would help.  I have a 
Wikipeda account and also tried to use these features in a wikipedia page using 
mapframe but with no success.

Should we simply add a wikidata and wikipedia will take care. Should we define 
a mapframe in a wikipedia page? Or the two options are available?

The example below shows an OSM relation for a polygon that is well represented 
in Wikipedia.https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/R%C3%A9servoir_La_Grande_4#/maplink/0

But adding a wikidata tag to a OSM waterway riverbank about four days ago, I 
only see a  node represented on the wikipedia maplink map. 
We need more infos on what type of OSM features can be represented in 
Wikipedia. Also, should the wikidata be unique or not in OSM. For example, if I 
represent a municipality with both a relation for the polygon borders and a 
node for the OSM place, where should I place the wikidata? On the relation? on  
the node? On both? Or two different wikidatga iD's? It depends if I want to 
represent the polygon or the node or both?

Territories are also interesting to represent. We often see images in Wikipedia 
but how to make a link to an OSM object in Wikipedia? See for example 
Longueuil, Québec who has two different wikidata for polygon and node. 
Wikipedia maplink shows a node, but not sure this is related to the node 

    Le jeudi 3 mai 2018 16 h 53 min 21 s HAE, Joe Matazzoni 
<jmatazz...@wikimedia.org> a écrit :  
 Hello OpenStreetMap community,I’m the product manager of the Wikimedia 
Foundation (WMF) Collaboration Team. We’ve been working on project recently 
called Map Improvements 2018 [1] that some of you will find interesting. As 
most of you probably know, WMF maps are powered by OSM data. The most 
significant new feature that we’ll be releasing very soon as part of this 
project is map “internationalization”—which means that’s WMF maps will display 
in the language of the user, rather than of the territory mapped. I wrote a 
recent post describing this feature and how it works [2]. 
We’re also about to spread our embedded maps capability (“mapframe”) to 
hundreds of Wikipedias that don’t have the feature now. The 
internationalization release will follow soon after. These should be welcome 
developments for the OSM community, I hope, since they will put OSM-powered 
maps in front of many millions of new users. 
We don’t anticipate that these new maps will put any strain on OSM performance. 
The impact I do foresee—and hope for—is that the new exposure of multilingual 
map data will inspire many more Wikimedians to contribute to OSM. This is 
likely to happen when users start to see, as they will for the first time, that 
names in their language for some features and places are not available.  
I’m writing today to let you know that these changes—and possibly these new 
contributors—are coming, and to ask for any guidance you think I should pass on 
to Wikimedians who might like to contribute to OSM. We plan to write a Help 
page on our end that will pass on some basic advice. And I will certainly link 
to relevant OSM Help pages, including this"Welcome to Wikipedia users” [3] 
page. I’d very much like to get your suggestions for a short list of Help links 
on OSM—pages you think a user coming in to add multilingual names would find 
useful. Also please send your thoughts about any information you think I 
particularly should impart. 
Please post your thoughts and ideas to the project talk page [4]. Thanks for 
your help, and for providing the valuable service you do to Wikimedia 
contributors and readers around the world.  


Joe Matazzoni 
 Product Manager, Collaboration
Wikimedia Foundation, San Francisco

"Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in the sum 
of all knowledge." 

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