W dniu 17.08.2018 o 19:49, Dave F pisze:
> Thanks for letting us know. Wasted half an hour checking it wasn't
> just me & providing examples.
> How about not posting until it's been deployed in future?

Hi Dave,

Multiple times before the release has been deployed eventually,
typically in days or even hours. This was a special moment when there
were some unusual works with hardware and software infrastructure and I
was not even aware that it will take so long, that 3 following releases
(!) won't be deployed at OSMF servers. Moreover release message does not
promise if and when this might occur ("Once changes are deployed on the
openstreetmap.org it will take couple of days before all tiles show the
new rendering.").

As this is very rare problem and would make release even more
complicated process, I rather won't follow this suggestion, sorry. BTW:
v4.14.0 deployment on OSMF servers has already started, so this time
announcement follows it.

"My method is uncertain/ It's a mess but it's working" [F. Apple]

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