On 21/09/2018 00:31, Warin wrote:
On 21/09/18 06:11, Jem wrote:
Thank you both. That's very helpful.

On Thu, 20 Sep 2018 at 22:25, Dave F <davefoxfa...@btinternet.com <mailto:davefoxfa...@btinternet.com>> wrote:


    Short answer: Yes

    There's a few problems here:

    Relations should not be used to collect thing together.

? That is what they can be used for. See the site relation as an example.

This reinforces my point. Site is repeatedly used to form unnecessary collections of things (such as braces of bus stops, one on each side of the road which already share the same name: https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/2726555)

...or by people who are unaware OSM is geospatially aware. Note the 'site' example given on the wiki: "Relation to group elements of a site such as a school together.". If the school has a amenity=school polygon boundary, which it should, everything within it is a part of that school.

It wouldn't be so bad if people didn't give up half way through creating them.

    There shouldn't be tags on the ways which conflict with those in
    the relations


    MP relations require a 'type' tags and 'inners' & 'outers' roles


    In this case the Southern section shouldn't be a polygon

Did not look.

Clarification: It shouldn't be a part of the multipolgon relation. It should still be a polygon.

    MP relations should be restricted to the areas which have inners:

No. They can be used to collect a series of outer ways to form the boundary of a feature e.g. an administration boundary usually shares ways with adjacent administrations.

Clarification: I was referring to specific examples of river MP's to include islets. It makes it much easier to maintain if the relations are kept as small as possible around any inners. If the MPs are large, some contributors mistake them as untagged ways and add duplicating tags to them. To help avoid this confusion I add a note tag to the way: https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/431275464

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