On 26.11.18 17:14, Marc Gemis wrote:
My intention was rather to hear about some general trends,
As far as I understand,

One general trend is to be "cleaner, have less information". ...

...The one trend I really like more icons for more items, maybe even a
zoom level where you can see lanes and turn:lanes.

A commercial map is to pay the remuneration to thousands of employees. A natural long-term strategy for such a map would be to show information scarcely, to display predominantly advertising as information. Perhaps, this could be an explanation of the "cleaner, less information" trend, which we see at some commercial maps?

The OSM does not seem to have this constraint. In my opinion, if there is information available for an area it could be displayed upfront with nice intuitive icons. There is a lot of space and resolution on the large desktop monitors for it.

I agree, there should be a certain balance. I think Carto is doing it about just right at the moment.

Best regards,


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