Feb 26, 2019, 2:45 PM by iknowjos...@gmail.com:

> I can see in the comments of your diary entry that you were told about HSTS 
> recently. I'm not trying to be offensive, but that shows you're not a HTTPS / 
> web security expert. Do you really think you're the person to be making world 
> wide automatic changes to the database?
Ekhmm? Why you think that running OSM bot requires being a HTTPS / web security 

Making designed search-replace scripts requires no knowledge from this fields.

> Again, are you checking https certificates? Do you know that the https site 
> actually works?
Is it really useful? If http redirects to https then what is the difference 

> Are you checking the redirect code? Do you differentiate between temporary 
> and permanent redirects?
Good question. Only permanent ones should be followed.

> Are redirects even that bad? If I was to set up some careful redirects and 
> have them ignored by a bot that thinks it knows better, I may be a little 
> annoyed. What about geographic redirects? > http://example.com 
> <http://example.com>>  becomes > https://de.example.com 
> <https://de.example.com>> , for example.
I asked about this - redirects changing anything more than changing "http" to 
"https" are supposed to be skipped.

> I can see that you want to promote https adoption, but I can't see that the 
> OSM database is the place to do it.
I see it as "automatically fixing outdated data that can be fixed using an 
automated script".

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