
On 10.03.19 15:10, Kate Chapman wrote:
> It has been about a year since I've given one of these talks. Is there
> anything new that you think is especially important or interesting I
> should be sure to not miss?

I have the impression that something that has been going on quietly,
without much fanfare, is how many mappers now participate in quality
assessment as part of their daily routine. The tool landscape is
scattered - you have the old(er) cohort of general QA tools like Osmose,
OSM Inspector, and even Keepright is still around, but you also have a
newer generation including OsmCha and "OSM Suspects" and other more
niche applications, and quite a few people are actually using these
services. QA used to be the domain of a few committed individuals but
meanwhile there's a proper "long tail" of QA contributors.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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