On 25/06/19 18:45, Harry Wood wrote:

Anyway...  on the broader principle. At the risk of bringing back the "code of conduct" discussion... If we set out somewhere a set of community standards in terms of "be nice to eachother", but also the types of topics we expect to appear as OpenStreetMap diaries, what would we set out?

I think we might decide that the standards of behaviour on the diaries should be higher than those of the mailing list. I mean the counterargument on the mailing list is always the desire to promote a "space for lively debate", but diaries are less of a discussion medium, more of a broadcast medium. We don't want to disallow people putting forth "political" thoughts or manifestos about the project, which inevitably will stray into bad-mouthing groups or even individuals on occasions,

Err ..no. The discussions should be about OSM, not about people or an individual.

I have found going through any outgoing mail, diary and eliminating the words 'you', 'they', even 'we' can lead to more objectivity on my part and hopefully less personal offence elsewhere.

There are a number of thing I don' like about OSM, trying to change them is one thing... abusing others with a different point of view? Not going to help.

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