On May 5, 2020, at 3:29 PM, Rafael Avila Coya <ravilac...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I use the lifecycle prefixes a lot, specially for shops, restaurants and 
>> others that close. Like for example disused:shop=* or 
>> disused:amenity=restaurant, etc. The abandoned:*=* prefix is also quite 
>> useful.

This is terrific, however I ask that caution be used with some of these, in 
particular abandoned and with railways.  There is such a tag as 
railway=abandoned and some renderers use it (OpenRailwayMap) and others don't 
(Carto).  It would be "less correct" to use the tag abandoned:railway=rail 
whereas tag railway=abandoned is "perfectly correct."  There are other examples.

The upshot is to please do your best with wiki research and perhaps some 
taginfo and / or OverpassTurbo queries.  That is simply a good idea if you 
really don't know how to tag and really want to tag "more correctly."  (And 
hasn't this been true for all of us, to some extent?!)

Thanks for reading,
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