> If efforts to resolve the issue through discussion are unsuccessful perhaps this is an issue for the Data Working Group (DWG)?

If this is where I think it is, I believe that I'm already offering advice to a complaint from one side of this dispute.  

I think that what happened was that 10 years ago some NHD river data was imported - a large 131km stretch in one multipolygon.  That's quite complicated and "tends to break". I believe that one party to the dispute was trying to cut it into more manageable chunks, and accidentally deleted a way that was an outer on the MP.  A person who noticed this responded in a tone that was seen a less than friendly, and that's more or less where we are.

I don't believe there's any malice towards OSM data on either side, it's just that mutual understanding and cooperation haven't quite happened yet.

More generally there are probably lots of other ex-NHD multipolygons, and it might be worth splitting some of the more complicated ones up, so that (for example) a change in one area that might not be visible in that area doesn't break something else miles away.

Also (and apologies to anyone to whom this is an obvious suggestion) after a complicated edit viewing it in something like "achavi" can help show where things have been deleted, perhaps accidentally.

Best Regards,


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