Mar 15, 2023, 10:21 by

> I'd prefer "surface:material" compared to "material", it is in modest use 
> (800) >
> because the "highway" represents not just the surface.
material represents primary material of object and surface of road/path/square
seems to fit here well.

What would be benefit for surface:material over material anyway?
Which other tags would be added that are infeasible with material?
If someone really wants they can add surface:curb:left=granite 
and surface:cycleway:left:curb:right=concrete anyway to
highway=residential material=granite (not advocating or advising mapping curb 
material here).

> Generally, maybe another subtagging step like "surface:material=stone" 
> "stone=granite" could make sense? It could also be used for material and 
> similar tags:
> material=stone and stone=granite
not really planning to invent such tagging, I just want to solve problem
of material tags squatting surface key without loss of what someone mapped.
But I do not plan to spend time on inventing elaborate tagging schemes
for something that I am not mapping, not using and not planning either.

Especially as entire use of surface:material and stone=* is much smaller
than what will[1] be retagged by even this tiny bot edit.

[1]Unless people will protest against it and there will be no consensus to run 
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