
Le 17.03.23 à 13:36, Harrison Scofield a écrit :
you can be overwhelmed by the shear number of "errors"

it's true, i think however the validator will only detect a douublon
only if you have touched or created a duplicate, so it seems to me necessary to delete this duplicate before uploading. if you have so many, maybe it's useful to make smaller changeset or to make from time to time a simulation of upload to detect the errors during your mapping

the validator proposes to correct some of them in one click
I have opened a ticket for the cases that are not correctable in one click at the moment

the duplicate Ways were "glued" together which complicated detecting and 
correcting these errors.

if you open the issue "duplicate way" in the validator pannel, it allow to select issue one by one (2 ways)
clic on the oldest way and you have it, despite it's glued :)

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