On 16/07/2015 10:29, Eliot Kimber wrote:

I do see that I can do:

let $array := [()]

To create an array with one member that is an empty sequence.

My business problem is I need to pass an array of sequences to a recursive
function, where each recursion takes the cadr of the array. When the array
is empty, recursion stops. So the question is, how to determine that an
array is "empty" given that an array must have at least one member.

It looks like the answer is "an array is empty when the only member is an
empty sequence".

Is my analysis correct?

No. The grammar is this:

         ::=          "[" 
(ExprSingle<http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath-31/#doc-xpath31-ExprSingle> ("," 
ExprSingle<http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath-31/#doc-xpath31-ExprSingle>)*)? "]"
           ::=          "array" "{" 
Expr<http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath-31/#doc-xpath31-Expr>? "}"

The SquareArrayConstructor has parentheses and a "?" operator around the 
exprSingles inside it, so they are optional and can be left out. Thus you can 
use "[]" for an empty array.

Similarly the CurlyArrayConstructor for a "?" on it's Expr so it can be left 
out. Thus you can also use "array{}" for an empty array.


John Snelson, Lead Engineer                    http://twitter.com/jpcs
MarkLogic Corporation                         http://www.marklogic.com

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