On Mon, 1 Apr 2019 10:20:19 +0200 Andrzej Pietrasiewicz wrote:
> All day питание indeed discourages buying other food. I only attended once,
> in Химик, and the food was, hmm, interesting, but on the other hand it was
> manageable (maybe Галактика food is better?) But if I come to Belarus it is
> not for the French quisine, is it? And the regular питание shortcomings
> were by far outweighed with шашлык (not to mention Vlad's drinks)! So, from
> my foreigner's point of view buying pizza would be pointless. But I might
> be minority, I don't know. Maybe you can do a doodle poll on who is going
> to buy pizza? On the other hand, who wouldn't like to eat comrade
> Lukash.... ;)

Я тоже думаю, что пицца будет лишней. После LVEE я и так обычно
пару кило набираю, шашлык делает своё дело. Куда ещё пиццу?


I agree that a pizza will be excessive. Thanks to the shashlik I
usually gain a couple of kilograms already, so there will bo no
place for a pizza.

Best regards,
Andrew Savchenko

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