Friends of the tango community,

It is a very sad day for the New York tango community as we lost in the
middle of the night of Friday, August 29th,  a great friend, an
accomplished young artist, pianist Maestro Octavio Brunetti, who made a
difference by sharing his gift with the world's tango community.

Octavio Brunetti was hospitalized at Mount Sinai Hospital for the past 3
1/2 weeks fighting a bacteria infection for which the cause was never

Let us say good bye to Octavio by joining his family and friends for a
prayer mass on Sunday, August 31 St at Saint Peter's Church 619  Lexington
Ave on 54th Street, subway lines 4, 5, 6 at 1:30 p.m. This is the church
where Octavio played on Sundays.

Thank you Octavio for giving us so much

Angela Maria

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