On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 9:40 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Boy, you guys are tough!  The performance by Pablo Rodriguez & Noelia Hurtado 
> in Zagreb down-thumbed because of their arm and head positions.  Whew!  Glad 
> there are no videos of ME dancing.
> I wonder.  Are there ANY couples these critics consider near perfect?  What 
> about the rest of you?  Who would you say comes the closest to your ideal?
> And how about a video link and a comment or two about the dancing so the rest 
> of us will know what you are referring to?

There are some excellent role models for social dancing in the videos
for which links are provided on this web page:


Each of these men (some deceased) has or (had) danced tango for at
least 40 years.

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