2. jangan menggunakan nama chain MASQ.. ganti saja namanya

On Sun, 28 Mar 2004, matt wrote:

> saya menggunakan mandrake 9.2
> - kernel 2.4.22-10mdk
> - iptables 1.2.8-2mdk
> sewaktu saya mengatur masq*uerading melalui modem analog ppp0 :
> iptables -A POSTROUNTING -j MASQUERADE -t nat -s -o ppp0
> muncul pesan " iptables: no chain/targe/match by that name " apakah "nat"
> itu dan adakah hubungannya dengan pesan kesalah diatas ??
> mohon penjelasannya..terimakasih..


        It was the next morning that the armies of Twodor marched east
laden with long lances, sharp swords, and death-dealing hangovers.  The
thousands were led by Arrowroot, who sat limply in his sidesaddle,
nursing a whopper.  Goodgulf, Gimlet, and the rest rode by him, praying
for their fate to be quick, painless, and if possible, someone else's.
        Many an hour the armies forged ahead, the war-merinos bleating
under their heavy burdens and the soldiers bleating under their melting
                -- The Harvard Lampoon, "Bored of the Rings"

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