ok terima kasih atas penjelasannya.

--- lordsanjay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: s.a.m.s.e.e [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2004 5:01 PM
> > Subject: [tanya-jawab] pc router vs pc gateway
> > 
> > 
> > halo rekan-rekan semuanya.
> > 
> > pengertian PC-ROUTER dengan PC-GATEWAY itu berbeda
> > kan. kalo kita buat PC-ROUTER di linux kita pake
> > FREESCO, ZEBRA. Kalo PC-GATEWAY kita tinggal
> > mengkonfigurasi iptables.
> > 
> > yang jadi pertanyaan yaitu PC-GATEWAY dengan
> iptables
> > itu bisa dikatakan PC-ROUTER atau tidak, soalnya
> > banyak tulisan di internet yang seperti itu isi
> > tulisannya membangun router tapi isinya dengan
> > iptables.. seperti tulisan di wiki linux.or.id
> > ada yang menulis membangun router warnet kalo
> nggak
> > salah isinya juga menjelaskan iptables.
> > 
> > 
> > apakah karena iptables bisa melakukan pengalamatan
> > paket lalu bisa dikatakan sebagai router.
> > 
> > 
> di http://www.webopedia.com dijelaskan
> gateway 
> (n.) (1) A node on a network that serves as an
> entrance to another
> network. In enterprises, the gateway is the computer
> that routes the
> traffic from a workstation to the outside network
> that is serving the
> Web pages. In homes, the gateway is the ISP that
> connects the user to
> the internet. 
> In enterprises, the gateway node often acts as a
> proxy server and a
> firewall. The gateway is also associated with both a
> router, which use
> headers and forwarding tables to determine where
> packets are sent, and a
> switch, which provides the actual path for the
> packet in and out of the
> gateway. 
> (2) A computer system located on earth that switches
> data signals and
> voice signals between satellites and terrestrial
> networks. 
> (3) An earlier term for router, though now obsolete
> in this sense as
> router is commonly used. 
> router
> (n.) A device that forwards data packets along
> networks. A router is
> connected to at least two networks, commonly two
> LANs or WANs or a LAN
> and its ISP's network. Routers are located at
> gateways, the places where
> two or more networks connect. 
> Routers use headers and forwarding tables to
> determine the best path for
> forwarding the packets, and they use protocols such
> as ICMP to
> communicate with each other and configure the best
> route between any two
> hosts. 
> Very little filtering of data is done through
> routers. 
> jadi router itu selalu gateway, tetapi gateway belum
> tentu router
> (hehehehe mudeng deh..)
> karena fungsi router hanyalah memforward paket2 data
> saja,
> sedangkan gateway bisa berfungsi sebagai firewall
> atau proxy.
> Dengan iptables kita bisa memfilter data yang masuk
> keluar tapi tidak
> bisa meroutingkan.
> Untuk routing bisa menggunakan iproute2, bahkan NAT
> atau DNAT pun bisa
> dengan iproute2.
> lordsanjay
> -- 
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