> http://news.com.com/2100-7344-5195902.html
> [quote]
> Microsoft has hired one of its worst enemies, the SuSE Linux salesman
> whose efforts led the city of Munich to adopt Linux and open-source
> software instead of Microsoft's products.
> Karl Aigner, formerly SuSE's account representative for Munich, is
> overseeing sales of Microsoft's data center products to midsize
> companies in Germany. He began his new role April 1, Microsoft said
> Tuesday.
> [/quote]
> Maksudnya apa tuh ya? Apakah isu yang merebak "Micro$oft is going
> OpenSource" benar2 akan terjadi? Atau ada yang bisa menerangkan lebih
> jauh?
> =====
> <idud>

Kok saya nangkapnya ... bahwa si M$ membajak seorang (Karl Aigner) seorang
sales SUSE linux di Munich karena keberhasilannya membuat kota Munich
untuk menggunakan SuSE Linux dibandingkan produk si M$ dan dia memulai
tugasnya per 1 April.
"He's obviously a guy who well understands the dynamics of selling to
European public sector organizations, and he understands the huge
difficulties that the open-source community has had in delivering on the
Munich contract," Governor said. "He will make a wonderful figurehead for
jadi gak ada hubungannya dengan M$ mo ke Open SOurce lebih ke Bisnis
karena untuk meningkatkan penjualan di Eropa (terutama di Munich <--
14.000 komputer di Munich menggunakan Linux)
Begicu ... eh kalo salah nerjemahinnya betulin yah ...



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