On Thursday 29 April 2004 13:52, Han's <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Saya mencoba update clamav database melalui proxy: dan port:
> 8181 di dlm freshclam.conf udah di set:
> #The main database mirror is database.clamav.net (this is a round-robin
> # DNS that points to many mirrors on the world) and in most cases you
> # SHOULD NOT change it.
> DatabaseMirror database.clamav.net
> # Proxy settings
> #HTTPProxyServer
> #HTTPProxyPort 8181
> #HTTPProxyUsername myusername
> #HTTPProxyPassword mypass
Ini memang dicomment ? Baris yg diawali tanda # dianggap comment.

btw, bisa juga menjalankan freshclam dengan option 
--http-proxy=hostname[:port] --proxy-user=username:passwd

# freshclam --http-proxy= --proxy-user=username:passwd

Untuk lebih jelasnya man freshclam.


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