On 8/4/05, kapten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear senior dan rekan
>   saya newbie di linux dan baru belajar bahasa C di linux. Ada hal yg ingin
> saya tanyakan
> 1. bagai mana jika saya menggunakan operator pow (power/pemangkatan), abs
> (absolut) yg pada turbo C di win kita harus meng include kan math.h jika
> di linux saya harus menginclude kan apa?..

sama, ada math.h juga. Tapi inget ketika compile, tambahkan option -lm
gcc -lm ....

Kalau mau lihat dokumentasi, man math aja :D

Donny Kurnia
At times the world can seem an unfriendly and sinister place. But
believe us when we say there is much more good in it than bad. And
what might seem to be a series of unfortunate events, may in fact, be
the first steps of a journey.
-- A Series of Unfortunate Events

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