Danni wrote:

berikut settingan di lts.conf


        LOCAL_APPS              = N
        VOLUME                  = 75

saya minta tolong dikoreksi dong kalo ada yang salah ato kurang.

Makasih banyak semuanya.

tambahkan baris di lts.conf:
RCFILE_01          = floppyd
Ubah atau buat script startup floppyd, yang dilettakkan di /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/rc.d
[EMAIL PROTECTED] rc.d]# cat floppyd
# First, since floppyd runs as nobody, make /tmp world accessible.
chmod 777 /tmp
# Second, probe for the floppy & usb mass storage drivers
modprobe floppy
modprobe usb-storage
# Third, make the floppy world accessible.
chmod 666 /dev/floppy/0
# creat a device file for USB floppies
if [ ! -b /dev/sdc1 ]; then
       mknod /dev/sdc1 b 8 1
# and make it world accessible
chmod 666 /dev/sdc1
# Finally, start floppyd.
# for regular floppies
floppyd -d /dev/floppy/0

# for USB keys
floppyd -l -s 5704 -d /dev/sdc1

kemudian install program MToolsFM dari http://core-coutainville.org/MToolsFM/
ikuti petunjuk instalasinya
Ubah settingan di /etc/mtoolsfm.conf menjadi:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# cat /etc/mtoolsfm.conf
# MToolsFM config file. comments start with a hash sign.
# This variable sets the allowed driveletters (all lowercase). Example:
# DRIVES="ab"
# This variable sets the driveletter upon startup in the left window.
# An empty string or space is for the hardisk. Example:
# This variable sets the driveletter upon startup in the right window.
# An empty string or space is for the hardisk. Example:

ubah settingan /etc/mtoolsrc.ltsp
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# cat /etc/mtoolsrc.ltsp
# Assign drive "a:" to floppy
drive a: file="$DISPLAY" mtools_skip_check=1 remote
# Assign drive "u:" to USB key
drive u: file="$DISPLAY/5704" mtools_skip_check=1 remote

restart server LTSP.

Semoga membantu....

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