Fajar Priyanto wrote:
> Hi rekan2?
> Ada yang pakai database postgresql? Ada yang tahu dimana bisa dapetin script 
> untuk backup otomatisnya ngga yah? Ngegoogle blom ketemu nih.
> Thanks.

gimana kalo pake pg_dump atau pg_dumpall? Udah termasuk dalam paket
postgresql. Ini ada sepotong dari man keduanya :)

pg_dump is a utility for backing up a PostgreSQL database. It makes con-
    sistent  backups  even  if  the  database  is  being  used
concurrently.     pg_dump does not block other users accessing the
database  (readers  or     writers).

pg_dumpall  is  a  utility  for writing out (``dumping'') all PostgreSQL
 databases of a cluster into one script file. The  script  file
contains SQL  commands  that  can  be  used  as  input  to psql(1) to
restore the databases. It does this by calling pg_dump(1) for  each
database  in  a      cluster.   pg_dumpall  also  dumps global objects
that are common to all      databases.  (pg_dump does  not  save  these
 objects.)   This  currently      includes information about database
users and groups, and access permis-      sions that apply to databases
as a whole.

Kamas Muhammad

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