tDs-tEgAL# wrote:
aku coba cara install modem smart link internal di ubuntu, dengan cara
sebagai berikut :

Smartlink Modem in Ubuntu Dapper

This week I had installed Ubuntu Dapper 6.06 and tried really hard at making
my SmartLink Internal Modem to work in it. It hadn't worked in any other
distro other than Debian Sarge. I started with a 64 bit version of Ubuntu,
but it didn't help. I followed the instructions in Launchpad and configured
the modem. So here are the steps that I followed to make my SmartLink modem
work in Ubuntu 6.06.
1.First we need to have a few packages which need to be installed before
installing the driver. You need to have build-essential, linux-headers-ARCH
(where ARCH is your kernel version and can be found with uname -r in the
terminal), fakeroot, module-assistant and debhelper. All these can be
installed (with the dependancies) using apt-get.
2.Then you need to install ungrab-winmodem from the linmodem website. Just
extract it and make; make install to install it.
3.Download slmodem-2.9.11-20051101.tar.gz from
4.Download sl-modem-daemon_2.9.10+2.9.9d+e-pre2-5build1_i386.deb, but don't
install it yet.
5.Extract the tar.gz file and type make and then sudo make install in the
folder where you extracted it.
6.Type sudo modprobe slamr
7.Then install the sl-modem-daemon using dpkg -i
sl-modem-daemon_2.9.10+2.9.9d+e-pre2-5build1_i386.deb command.
8.Type sudo /etc/init.d/sl-modem-daemon restart to restart the daemon.
9.This ends the installation part of the modem. Now you can setup your
internet connection.

nah pada langkah ke 2, setelah di tar -zxvf nama_paket, kan terbentuk
directory baru /ungrab-winmodem,
trus :

cd ungrab-winmodem, trus aku jalankan make, tapi kok muncul error :

/lib/modules/2.6.15-23.386/build : no such file or directory

kira2 ada package yang kurang ato gimana ya?
mohon pencerahannya...
terima kasih.

popo ^_^

Anda sudah install paket-2 yang diperlukan?
apa hasil dari dpkg -l|grep kernel ? hasil uname -a ?

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