2009/7/14 Patrick_Stiady <psti...@bdg.centrin.net.id>:
> Rekan-rekan,
> Saya menemukan file bash shell berikut untuk meng-copy file-file
> tertentu dari sub-directory secara recursive.
> #!/bin/bash
> cd /home/mydoc/eclipse
> find . -type d -name '*' -exec mkdir -p /media/disk/eclipse/{} \;
> find . -type f -name '*.java' -exec cp {} /media/disk/eclipse/{} \;
> Yang menjadi pertanyaan apakah fungsi \; pada akhir command find.
> Saya cari-cari di man find, tapi gak ngerti fungsinya.
> Terima kasih atas bantuannya.

dari man find:


       -exec command ;
              Execute command; true if 0 status is returned.  All
following arguments to find are taken to  be  argu‐
              ments  to  the command until an argument consisting of
‘;’ is encountered.  The string ‘{}’ is replaced
              by the current file name being processed everywhere it
occurs in the arguments to the command, not just
              in arguments where it is alone, as in some versions of
find.  Both of these constructions might need to
              be escaped (with a ‘\’) or quoted to protect them from
expansion by the shell...

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