> On Feb 23, 2017, at 7:05 PM, Tommy Pauly <tpa...@apple.com> wrote:
>> On Feb 23, 2017, at 12:55 AM, Michael Welzl <mich...@ifi.uio.no> wrote:
>>> On Feb 22, 2017, at 3:54 PM, Aaron Falk <aaron.f...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Trimming for focus…
>>>>> What are the key questions TAPS should be focusing on at this meeting?
>>>> I can think of these 3 major questions that appeared to us when we worked 
>>>> on our drafts:
>>>> - how do we handle multi-streaming?
>>>> - how do we handle messaging?
>>>> - what about message sizes?
>>> These seem like good discussion topics.  Who would like to lead a short 
>>> discussion on each?
>> I’d volunteer for all 3. Priority order:
>> 1. messaging - I’d really like to lead the discussion on this one
>> 2. multi-streaming
> I'd like to volunteer to lead the discussion about how to handle multi 
> streaming protocols. We've been working on that and giving it a lot of 
> thought for our protocol stack.

Speaking as someone who volunteered for the same: I’d be absolutely fine with 


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