On 03/09/14 03:46, Arthur Chance wrote:
> Without wishing to be morbid, I presume you have structures and procedures in
> place to ensure Tarsnap Backup Inc continues to offer its services 
> indefinitely
> in case you're kidnapped by aliens or eaten by bears(*)?

That's a sensible question, although it's usually phrased in terms of getting
hit by a bus. ;-)

The answer is that if I get hit by a bus tomorrow, Tarsnap will probably not
survive indefinitely without me.  That said, the service is very stable on a
day-to-day basis, so if anything happens to me it is very likely that people
will have plenty of time to download their data before Tarsnap shuts down.

> The web site says very
> little about the corporate side of tarsnap and as I'm always recommending your
> service to people I sometimes get asked "isn't this just a one man operation,
> what happens to my backups if something happens to him?". It would be helpful 
> to
> be able to point to something reassuring on the subject.

Right now, Tarsnap is a one man operation, but I'm optimistic that this will
change by the end of the year.  For obvious reasons, I don't want to publicly
discuss details of potential hiring.

> (*) Please don't be. :-)

I hereby pledge to do everything in my power to avoid being abducted by aliens,
eaten by bears, or hit by buses.

Colin Percival
Security Officer Emeritus, FreeBSD | The power to serve
Founder, Tarsnap | www.tarsnap.com | Online backups for the truly paranoid

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