On 11/13/14 00:37, tarsnap wrote:
> [user@important_documents]$ sudo tarsnap -cvf
> important_document.doc important_document.doc
> tarsnap: An archive already exists with the name
> "important_document.part"
> tarsnap: Error creating new archive 
> ... have tarsnap recognise that if
> there is already some incomplete part, that it would be wise and nice
> to start with that one and complete the upload?

That's what tarsnap does, actually.  It deduplicates the new archive
you're creating against the data in the partial archive, in order to
save bandwidth (and indirectly make it less likely that your network
connection will flake out again before it finishes).

But the way tarsnap stores archives means that you can't have two
archives with the same name.  Many people solve this problem by adding
timestamps to the end of archive names.

Colin Percival
Security Officer Emeritus, FreeBSD | The power to serve
Founder, Tarsnap | www.tarsnap.com | Online backups for the truly paranoid

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